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Tomato Paste Recipe and Uses + Price

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Tomato Paste IngredientsTomato Paste UsesTomato Paste RecipeWhat is the difference between tomato sauce and tomato paste?

Tomato paste is an extraction of tomato that people use in their food to make the food more delicious and yummier, it tastes a bit salty and the color of the product is red because it has made out of the tomato. People don`t eat this product separately since its taste is salty, so in most cases, they use it when they are cooking foods like pasta, spaghetti, etc. the main reason that this product is so popular among people is its great effect on the food.

Tomato Paste Ingredients

The ingredients of the tomato paste are highly important because they will affect the taste of the product, the producer should be careful of the ingredients of the tomato paste and treat this matter as a top priority. 98 percent of the ingredients are cooked tomato and just 2 percent of it is salt. All the producers should add 2 percent or less than that to the ingredients if they want their product to have a great taste.

Tomato Paste Ingredients

Tomato Paste Uses

There are lots of foods that we can use tomato paste in their recipe. The question is why should we use tomato paste in our recipe? The answer is so simple for the people who are using tomato paste when they are cooking; Tomato paste makes the taste of the food more delicious and it helps the chef to have a great dish. In most countries for making pasta, lasagna, spaghetti, and foods like that people use tomato paste because it changes the taste of the food incredibly well. besides the great taste that tomato paste gives to the food, it gives a nice color to the food and makes the look of the food more interesting.

Tomato Paste Uses

In lots of restaurants around the world, especially in Asia, for having a great meal and attracting the customers` attention, the chief use of tomato pastes in different dishes. Some people in Italy use this product even for making pizza, they believe that when you use tomato paste it changes the taste of the pizza 5 times more delicious than when you are not using it.  We, as a producer of this product, can easily see how people are interested in using tomato paste in their food to have a nice meal during the day.

Tomato Paste Recipe

The recipe for making tomato paste isn`t that hard and maybe you can make it even in your home, but of course, the manufacturers can produce the product with a high and better quality. Our recommendation is to buy tomato paste with unique quality from a professional company. But if you want to make tomato paste at your home you can follow the following steps. As we mentioned before the ingredients of this product are 98 percent cooked tomato with 2 percent salt, but there are some factors that you should consider when you are making tomato paste.

Tomato Paste Recipe

First, you should wash and clean the tomatoes perfectly, be careful to not leave any mud on the skin of the tomato,  second you have to cook the tomatoes in a really big pot, but before that it`s better to cut the tomatoes in the middle and then put it in the pot, this helps the tomatoes to cook better and faster, when you place the tomatoes in a pot, put the pot on the oven and turn on the oven, then you should place the lid of the pot on it and leave it for some hours, after cooking tomatoes you have much of red liquid from the tomatoes and of course it has lots of seeds and skin of the tomatoes, you should remove all the seeds and skin from the liquid and add 2 percent salt to it, and again you heat the liquid until it changes to the thick liquid, in this step you can taste the product and see if it needs any more salt or not, and if you want, you can add a little oil to make the taste even better but be careful to not add a lot of oils since it could ruin the good taste of the product.

What is the difference between tomato sauce and tomato paste?

Some people confuse the tomato paste with the tomato sauce because of the same color and the similar taste, but these two products are completely different from each other, and even they have different usage. As we know tomato sauce is a product that we put on our food to make the taste of the food more delicious, so we put tomato sauce on the food when the food is ready to eat, we never add tomato sauce when we are cooking the food because the food is not ready yet; also tomato sauce has different types, some types are spicy, other types are sweet, etc. tomato sauce even has different kinds of colors like red, green, yellow tomato paste.

What is the difference between tomato sauce and tomato paste?

But tomato paste is a different product with different uses. It has just one type with different quality, and the color of this product always is the same which is red. And about the usage of this product, we should say that we use tomato paste in the recipe when we are cooking the food. In other words, we add this product to the food in the process of cooking and it should be mixed with the food to give its good taste to the food.

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